POLITIFACT Makes False and Misleading Claims Regarding Capitol Building Attack

In an article titled "A day of crisis at the US Capitol, fact-checked", POLITIFACT made several false fact check claims regarding the events in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021.


We would first like to comment on these events and state that there is no excuse for this kind of behavior. It was wrong and those involved should be punished to the full extend of the law. 

For those who feel disenfranchised or that the election was stolen, we urge each and every individual to be cognizant of the fact that this event was not an appropriate. It was dangerous and took the lives of several people while injuring many more.

Democracy is the heart of the United States and only through democracy and diplomacy can change be accomplished. 

That said, sadly many politicians, members of the news media, and fact-checkers appear to have the desire to further incite violence by antagonizing this group of millions of Americans. However, violence is not a proper response. 

POLITIFACT False Fact-checks 

Returning to the POLITIFACT article, the first misleading statement claims "meritless allegations of widespread irregularities in the election" were made by Donald Trump and allies. 

This is an unfounded opinion based on the authors view that are challenged by the fact that evidence exists of irregularities nationwide. Not only in the 2020 election, but in every election. This is the same relentlessly regurgitated talking point that has been spread by the media since before a single lawsuit had even been filed which in itself contradicts any possible knowledge of merit or otherwise. 

This is further supported by the fact the outlets refuse to acknowledge the federal law that determines what is and is not evidence that is admissible.   

The article then states that Trump:

As he falsely insisted he won the election, Trump repeated many baseless claims of election fraud and urged the crowd to march down Pennsylvania Avenue to Congress.

However, up until congress certified the election, Joe Biden had not won the election and Trump's view that he won the election is a relative opinion. Any claim of falsehood is likewise a relative opinion. The article additionally makes a second claim of baseless claims of election fraud despite the many exhibits that exists in court records as legally submitted evidence. 

The make this claim a third time while painting a picture of Trump asking his supporters to "go home now" as if the attack was satisfactory and it was finally now the time to stop and go home. This same presentation has been propagated throughout the news media.  

They fail to report what Trump also said which was:

 ..we have to peace, we have to have law and order, we have to respect our members of law and order. We don't want anybody hurt. We can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. Go home and go home in peace.

Which notably was the same general message Trump had been speaking on throughout the day. POLITIFACT made an misleading statement without specifically making a false claim, so despite the misleading nature, we cannot call it a false claim so this results in only the 4th false claim, not the 5th.

The fifth false claim came when it is claimed that Trump did not win prior to confirmation that Trump did not win. 

The sixth false claim stated the historical comparison was stretched when this statement was made:

"Every time in the last 30 years that Democrats have lost a presidential race, they have tried to challenge, just like this. After 2000, after 2004, after 2016. After 2004, a senator joined and forced the same debate, and believe it or not, Democrats like Harry Reid, Dick Durbin and Hillary Clinton praised and applauded the stunt." — Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky

However, this is a relative opinion and also failed to include to challenges to election rule changes that have happened in every election as well. Which was challenged in the exact same courtroom many in many of the exact same states. This is an opinion of the authors and as such, a false claim.

POLITIFACT called this statement untrue:

 39% of Americans, 31% of independents, and 17% of Democrats "believe the election was rigged." — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas

Then subsequently provided basis under which it was plausible in trying to suggest its implausibility. Then premised its "mostly false" verdict on another survey that supported lower numbers. 

Just because one poll provides more favorable numbers to a point of view than another poll doesn't mean either party supporting opinions based on either poll is misleading people or making false claims, it means they have formulate opinions based on interpretations of the data they obtained. 

This is a false fact-check. 

They state that Chuck Schumer's statement was accurate in saying:

"President Trump and his allies have suffered the defeat, a defeat in court after court across the country losing no fewer than 62 legal challenges and I might add many Republican-appointed judges, some appointed by President Trump rendered those decisions." — Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

However, they then premise their decision on inaccurate data claiming these were rejected lawsuits. This is a false fact-check. 

It is true that what Chuck Schumer said was accurate, however, notice how it was worded in that he said "legal challenges". Yes, it is true that this number of "legal challenges" were denied because a MOTION on a case is a legal challenge. However a MOTION on a case is not necessarily the lawsuit itself ad whereas it sometimes can be, most of the initial "lawsuits being rejected" were not rejected at all, rather MOTION's for emergency relief were rejected. Not the lawsuit itself, many of which have hearings planned for the upcoming months.

They further mislead in taking Judge Stephanos Bibas out of context by insinuating the reason for dismissal was because "Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here." which is not true. Yes, the judge said that, however, that is not why the case was dismissed the case was dismissed because the injury alleged was disproportional to the relief requested.  In other words, a few thousand alleged fraudulent votes does not justify halting the count of a couple million legal votes. 

Which was the correct decision and again, Chuck Schumer's statement was indeed accurate, however, POLITIFACT made two more false claims in an attempt to validate it rather than state its accuracy by telling the truth.

This authors opinion is that the truth may not have been as attractive as the false statement and perhaps that is why this was stated this way, but that is only an opinion. 


POLITIFACTS end up with that comes to 7 false claims ad 1 misleading statement, at least two of which appear to be completely unnecessary.

Claim: "A day of crisis at the US Capitol, fact-checked"