About Us

Who We Are

We fact check the fact checkers.

We are a non-profit organization. Our team is comprised of independents, not affiliated with any political party, corporation, group, or entity of any kind. We offer facts and data analysis free of opinions, secret sources, relative perspectives, or exaggerations.    

Our Mission

Our goal is simple. To double check the fact checkers to ensure integrity and accuracy. 
Our mission is double checking the organizations and media outlets who publish "fact checks" which have become increasingly opinionated and inaccurate and to do so in a nonpartisan, unbiased manner free of political or other opinion.

Whereas Fact Checking has been known to be laced with opinion, in recent years false claims of false claims have become more and more prominent to the point in 2020 the practice seemed to have gone over the edge with some claims being more untrue than the statement being checked.

  • We hold the opinion that if a statement is going to be determined to be a "lie", then it needs to be untrue. 
    • Fact checks have increasingly become claims of outright lies backed by relative opinions or slightly misleading statements from certain points of view, neither of which equate to an actual intentional lie.  
  • We hold the opinion that if a statement is going to be determine to be "misleading", then it clearly needs to be misleading.
    • Fact checks have become "meters" and "gauges" of how true or untrue a statement is and often call a statement misleading premised by a relative opinions from certain perspectives.
  • We hold the opinion that if something "needs more context" then it's not a lie nor is it misleading to everyone. 
    • "Needing more context" itself is a relative opinion and these types of determinations shouldn't belong under a negative category of a "fact check".
    • These are certainly useful to some people, but they should not be called "false' or "lies".
  • We hold the opinion that "fact checks" should be fair, balanced, nonpartisan, and respectful.
    • Fact checks have become increasing bipartisan (depending on venue) and some have gone so far as to even making jokes and calling people childish names.
  • We hold the opinion that Fact Checks themselves should be accurate, referenced, and not misleading.
    • They have become often inaccurate, misleading, and sometime without any references at all. 
    • In some cases tallies are made with nothing more than a "we counted" as the only evidence of existence.  

What Our Mission Is Not

  • Our mission here is not to judge, but to provide the public with analysis of scrutiny of claims made by the organizations that make them. In many cases, inaccurate false claims are not intentional. 
  • Our mission here is not to target. In some cases these are fact checking organizations, in other cases these are news media organizations, and in other cases these may be other notable or popular sources.    
  • Our purpose is not to check facts, it is only to check results of facts checked. Whereas we may occasionally check popular or outlandish claims when the facts clearly indicate otherwise, our mission is to check the fact checkers and as such, that is the predominate content we publish. 
  • Our purpose here is not to offer opinions. If we do offer an opinion, we will clearly label the article as an opinion which has its own section. Our policy prohibits any opinion to be published without being labeled as an opinion and prohibits any opinion to be used as a basis for determination.
  • Our goals do not include supporting popular public opinion. In many cases we may contradict popular opinions supported by news media outlets and fact checkers, however, multiple sources of an opinion does not add validity to a false claim.
  • Our goals to not include support of any political party, corporation, government body, or entity of any kind. If a fact check is misleading or untrue, it will be brought to attention, period. 

Our Policy 

  • We first and foremost check the veracity of FACT CHECKS. 
    • Fact check definition: we define a "fact check" to be an analysis and subsequent reporting of the veracity of any material presented as a fact.
    • Fact check consideration: We consider fact checks to include:
      • Primary
        • Any article from, or statement by, an organization of any kind ("organization") that declares, or otherwise labels in some form or fashion, its published or aired material to be, in part or in full, a "fact check".
        • Articles from, or statements by, an organization that declares its published or aired material to be, in part or wholly, "debunking" subject matter that is commonly, or previously, considered to be factual.
        • Published works that cite supporting references, fact checks, or debunks of of material significance to the work or a significant statement or declaration of the piece.  
      • Occasionally
        • Widely spread statements of similar meaning. For example, we would investigate "Someone" making a false claim on "Tuesday" if multiple sources made similar statements or headlines such as:
          • "Someone lied on Tuesday About Thing A"
          • "Tuesday is Someone's Lie-day on Thing A"
          • "Thing A Fabrications on Tuesday by Someone"
          • "False Claims on Tuesday about Thing A from Someone"
        • False claims of significant material weight by an organization.
        • Scientific or medical claims of questionable veracity.
    • Fact check organizations: We consider organization that conduct fact checks to be:
      • Primary
        • Fact Check organizations
          • Examples: Snopes, FactCheck.org, POLITIFACT, etc..
        • News media which includes video delivered via cable, internet, or airwaves.
          • Examples: CNN, FOX News, ABC News, CNBC, etc...
        • Print media which includes newspaper, magazine, and internet print media or hybrids of the aforementioned.
          • Examples: Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, New York Times, Rolling Stone, Forbes, USA Today, etc...
        • Digital news media.
        • Radio news programming. 
      • Occasionally
        • Independent media  
        • Internet blogs or similar websites
      • Rarely: Occasionally other types of similar entities claim to "fact check" facts or claims facts to have been "fact checked". These include:     
        • Entertainment programming labelled as or insinuated to be news or similar to news such as HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, The Daily Show, Late Night With Seth Meyers, etc..
        • Unbalanced or opinion entities: These include networks or entities such as TYT or Rush Limbaugh who express unbalanced and heavily opinionated material with loose veracity on a variety of medium including radio or internet.     
        • Opinion Shows of News Media: these include shows such as Sean Hannity or Racheal Maddow that express purely unbalance opinion and are considered entertainment, but are present on news networks. 
        • Morning shows of major national syndicates.
    • Others. We may also fact check or present an article about anything from anyone regardless of entity type or publication method. 
  • Opinions
    • Articles: If we present an article of opinion, it will be tagged and label clearly that the content is an opinion and that opinion is that of the author which may not express the opinion of this platform or any of its associates.
    • Commentary: It is our policy to refrain from offering any opinions when fact checks are verified for accuracy, however, occasionally opinions are warranted. When used, opinions are clearly labeled as opinion so that there is no confusion as to what is an opinion and what is factual. 
  • Frequency: We generally do not check those labeled "rarely" unless they are both significant and additionally noted by another media outlet or cited as fact checks or debunks in other news media publications.
  • Rights reserved: 
    • Editorial: Whereas the guidelines herein are the best practices and policies we enforce, we reserve the right to publish any content at our sole discretion.
    • Copyright: All material is Copyright © FalseFactCheck.org. All rights reserved. 


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