The New York Times Makes Several False Claims to Accuse Trump of Making False Claiim at CPAC

In an article titled "Fact-Checking Trump’s Speech at CPAC" The New York Times (NYT) made several false claims regarding a CPAC speech delivered by former President Donald Trump on March 4th. 

Many of the claims mimic the CNN article we checked earlier today.

NATO Payments

NYT stated that Trump was making a false claim when he metaphorically stated some countries were delinquent and not paying their bills.  

He misleadingly characterized members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as “delinquent” on payments.

At the end of the day, NATO countries were not all paying what they agreed to target (2% of their GDP), Trump did complain, and contributions did increased. 

The use of terms like bills and delinquency were metaphorical. NYT appears to have taken them literally. 

This is a false claim by NYT.

Nord Stream 2

According to NYT, Trump "falsely said that no one ever heard of' the Nord Stream 2 pipeline before he raised it as an issue and halted its construction."

However, that's taken out of context and "nobody had ever heard of it" in the manner Trump used the expression is like saying "everybody has a cell phone these days". It's not meant to be taken literally.
The truth is that Nord Stream 2 was not a regular subject of the media before Trump brought it into the spotlight. A quick search of news outlets archives shows only 40 mentions of it from 2009 to 2017 when Trump took office.  Compare that to the "MyPillow" guy whose had nearly 6,000 mentions for roughly the same length of time from 2017 to 2022. 

This is a false claim by NYT.

Border Wall

NYT states that Trump "falsely claimed to have “completed” building a wall along the southern border.". However, that is not what Trump said.

Trump said that he "Completed several hundred miles" of the border wall and completed "that task". His campaign promise was to build a wall with no definition of the entirety or length in miles that would constitute a completion other than "a wall". He did in fact build several walls equating to several hundred miles as he said. 

This is a false claim by NTY.


The New York Times made several false claims in their fact check and as a result this was a partially false fact check. However, they didn't come close to the fabrication that CNN published with a whopping 9 false claims which was about 50% of the article.  

Claim: "Fact-Checking Trump’s Speech at CPAC"

Fact Check Verdict:   3 FALSE CLAIMS 
